Can Dogs Eat Mandarins? Interesting Facts Read Before You Feed

Can dogs eat mandarins? Mandarins, like any other citrus fruit, are high in vitamin C. It might not be a bad idea to share a slice of mandarin with your trekking companion.

Can Dogs Eat Mandarins


Is your puppy obsessed with fruits? Is it always following you if it gets a sense that you could be about to serve you some fresh citrus fruits? You might be wondering if dogs can eat Mandarin oranges. If you’ve ever wanted to give your furry friend a few slices of citrus treat, you’ve come to the correct place.

What is the definition of mandarin?  

The mandarin belongs to the orange family of citrus fruits, as you may have guessed. They’re smaller and sweeter than oranges, and their tops and bottoms are flatter. The skin is thinner and peels more easily. While oranges are available all year, mandarins are more seasonal, coming just before the fall season. Clementine’s and tangerines are two types of mandarins.

Is it true that mandarins are bad for dogs?

Dogs can eat mandarins a very little amount 

Reasons why you shouldn’t give your dog mandarins.

Upset stomach

Even if the seeds and peel are removed, giving your dog too many mandarin oranges might cause gastrointestinal distress and potentially diarrhea.


The sourness of a mandarin peel makes it difficult for your pet’s digestive system to break it down, causing an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. Another issue with eating the peels is that they are likely to contain pesticides, which can be extremely harmful to your pet’s health. Diarrhea, confusion, excessive drinking, pawing at the face, tremors, rashes, and other symptoms of pesticide poisoning can occur.


Mandarins have a lot of sugar in them, which can cause teeth decay, obesity, diabetes, and other health issues in your dog. Obesity is on the rise, with up to 45 percent of canines over the age of four being overweight. That number alone should be enough to make you think twice about adding sugar to your pet’s diet.

You should not feed mandarins to your dog if they are already overweight, diabetic, or suffers from other sugar-related health problems.


Clementines don’t have seeds, but mandarins and tangerines do, and these seeds contain trace levels of cyanide, which could harm your pet’s health. Even though the amount required is significant, the risk exists, and your pet will have to gnaw or break the seeds to expose the cyanide. As a result, removing any fruit seeds before letting your pet consume mandarins or tangerines is highly recommended.

Mandarin benefits 

Vitamin C

The mandarin is high in vitamins, particularly vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant to protect your pet from sickness and keep them healthy. Vitamin C can also aid in the removal of free radicals and the reversal of oxidative damage. Veterinarians prescribe it for dogs suffering from cancer, kennel cough, bacterial infections, common illness, and other disorders.


Calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc are among the minerals found in mandarin. These minerals are involved in various bodily functions and assist in revitalizing and maintaining your pet’s health.

Are dogs allergic to Mandarin oranges?

While feeding your dog’s oranges is harmless, make sure you don’t overdo it. Start with one or two slices of citrus fruit, even if your dog likes the flavor. Also, even if it’s freshly prepared, stay away from orange juice. It lacks the dietary fibre that would compensate for the extra fructose. Water is always the greatest option for hydration.

It’s essential to contact your veterinarian right away if your dog has an allergic reaction to Mandarin oranges. Do not wait until the symptoms become unbearable.

How do you give Mandarin oranges to your dog?

Peel the fruit and serve one or two wedges at first. Serve them with other fruits, such as bananas and apples, to boost the fibre content while lowering the natural sugar content.

If your dog eats unpeeled oranges, it could cause gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea and vomiting. It’s critical to keep the fruits out of reach of your dog at all times.

Can my dog eat tangerines, satsumas, or clementines?

It might surprise you to learn that the phrase “mandarin orange” refers to various orange-skinned fruits. Mandarins are little oranges with thin, easy-to-peel skin and higher sugar content than their larger cousins.

There are several varieties of mandarins, including Japanese satsumas, as well as clementines and tangerines. All have somewhat distinct characteristics, such as satsumas being simpler to peel, but they are all classified as mandarin oranges. As a result, the tips in this article apply to all three types of oranges.

Final thoughts 

Can dogs eat mandarins? We hope you enjoyed learning about the health benefits and concerns of feeding mandarin oranges to your dog.

It’s acceptable in moderation, and your dog may get some health benefits, but it may rapidly become excessive, resulting in a slew of health issues, including obesity. If this advice to feeding your dog mandarins has solved your questions, please share it on Facebook and Twitter.

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